Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eve ~ Wife & Mother 2

And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."  Genesis 2:18
I hope you took time to reflect on the kinds of temptations you feel are affecting your life, and that you'll also do something to get the upper hand with them. It may sound easier than it is, but obviously, no matter how difficult we find it to be, it can be done. And I hope you realize that the spirit of God is always waiting and willing to help you do a good deed, and getting rid of temptations in your life is definitely a good thing.
I wish I could shake a finger at you and feel better, but that isn't the case. Because we all sin and make bad choices, we are often confronted with unexpected consequences, which is exactly what Eve faced after her decision to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit. Have you ever wondered what Eve was thinking as she left the Garden of Eden?  How Eve must have felt as she walked with Adam out of the most beautiful place on earth into a world of care and woe?
From that time on, their life would be filled with hard work and pain...suffering both physically and spiritually for their sin. No longer would there be the fulfilling work of the garden and conversations with God. Now their life would be spent with Adam laboring in the sweat of his brow, and Eve laboring with pain in childbearing. 

Because, of course, they did eat and Eve did bear children. First, they had a son named Cain, and then a son named Abel. And what did God require of them? An animal sacrifice. Abel offered a pleasing sacrifice, and Cain did not. Cain was angry that his sacrifice was displeasing and his brother's was pleasing, so he killed his brother. And I just want to say here, that your wrong choices may filter down to your children, so that they also make wrong choices. Wouldn't it work out in a more pleasing way, if you did a better job making choices?

What do you think about Cain's attitude when he got angry at his brother because HE had done wrong? C. S. Lewis was the first person to explain this phenomonen so that I understand it better: he was referring to the hatred that grew as the Nazis mistreated the Jews more and more. He said that when you mistreat someone, or do them a wrong turn, you begin to dislike them. I have tried to examine that kind of warped thinking in my own life to see when and where it shows up. I suggest you do the same, if you want to begin the process of cleansing out the old and bringing in refreshing thoughts and attitudes. 

I thought I'd finish talking about Eve with this blog, but I may have a few more words to share with you about what she experienced because she sinned willingly. A lesson for us all. 

Have a great Friday!

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