Friday, October 22, 2010

Eve ~ Wife & Mother

And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." Genesis 2:18
When you think of Eve, the Mother of all Living, what comes to mind? I believe we can gain most from her life by seeing her with female eyes. What did she want from her life and what did she get? Was she any different from the woman that you are? Fundamentally, I don't think so.

Eve was created by God to meet the needs of her husband. So are you. Eve had wants and needs built into her make-up. So do you. And within her make-up is the ability to charm and seduce a man. So have you. Also within her make-up was the allure of having beautiful things...the lust of the eyes. And the appeal of food and sex and pleasure...the lust of the flesh. And add to that the glorious feeling of owning a perfect garden with everything anyone could ever want around her...the pride of life. Or, shall I say, she was satisfied UNTIL...she was given a picture of herself possessing the  knowledge of good and evil--being like God, making her a god. Wasn't that just what Eve needed to make her life complete?

Okay...HELLO...Eve could take a piece of fruit from a tree in her garden and eat it...and become a goddess??? She wasn't born yesterday...she could handle that! And when she looked at the fruit, she saw that it looked good to the eyes, was good for food, and a fruit to make her wise. Can you blame her for choosing to eat the fruit? Have you looked in the mirror lately?

All of us are tempted daily. And daily we make the wrong choices. One of my biggest temptations is to overeat. It is now a firmly entrenched habit that barely rates a grunt out of my psyche. Is it really a sin? Gluttony, you say? Well, personally, I wish you wouldn't put it that way. I choose to see the good side of overeating: good for lifting depression, good for celebrating, good for strength and energy, fills a hole in your stomach and in your heart! I'd even classify food as medicinal. I've already given you several reasons why overeating is a good thing, but you can also add sleeping better, being friendlier, loving your family...well, you see what I mean. Your problems just disappear for a while--while you're eating--and there's plenty of time to bring them all up again after you've eaten.

So what is your sin--uh, temptation--of choice? You can look up the list of 7 deadly sins to give you some ideas, but I'm guessing you already know what your biggest temptation is. Does it involve the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, or the pride of life? 

I've given you something to think about and I'll talk more about this subject tomorrow. Take some time to meditate on your choices and how they affect your life. I will too. 


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